Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012

Life happens while you are making plans...

Actually my plan was to be a bit quicker with my next post, but although I am spending a lot of time making minis I just don´t get ready with anything, so today I´ll be showing you "details" :-)))
As you can see on my first picture, my witch Miranda has been very successfully in breeding a very rare Whomping Willow (okay, the foto is lousy, but this is also a very BAD MOODED Whomping Willow who constantly refused to say "Cheeeeeeeeeeeeese" for the fotographer!) And getting on the cover of the Daily Prophet...Mrianda couldn´t have thought about a better promotion for her witchy business "Miranda´s Magical Seedlings".  Then, the day before the guys from the newspaper arrived, Miranda transformed into a frog!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaagh!  She was up to use some polyjuice potion with a hair from Cassandra Clearwater
(an old enemy from her Hogwarts school days -both fell in love with a teacher called "Gilderoy"). Well, as you can easily see, something was wrong - maybe there was some frogspawn on the hair????
This will have to be sorted out. But until then Miranda needed another kind of a "bed"....

And I am busy collecting and making witchy stuff....

This beautiful cauldron is made by Georgia Marfels (as are the mice in the background and the Miranda frog) . While Miranda is preferring to have all kinds of flies for dinner, the cauldron is used for someone else...

This is Flitzhinaus, he is a GoldenDesertDragon -baby. He prefers warm temperatures and dry places, is even able to learn human speech (only if he wants to). You will not have seen one before, as they are rare. Really rare, almost eradicated be generations of males as their skin is the only working antidote against male hair loss.

And I made some other magical pumpkins and plants for Miranda´s store. And -of .course - 
a witch is supposed to have a lot of books. I only made a few yet :

And this is where Miranda´s going to live. My Café Igitt is going to get a new exterior and
"Miranda´sMagicalSeedlings" are on the first floor, her private rooms will be under the roof.

Somehow I am not able to make links today -sorry! 
Kaisa is organising a Birthday Swap and today is Rosella´s Birthday!
Happy Birthday Rosella!!!
As she already opened her gifts I can show you what I made:

And for my Ballerina´s house I made some more tulips, some roses and a shabby memo board:

Hey, I am really in the mood for springtime!  Are you, too???

Bye for now, hugs,

12 Kommentare:

  1. What a cute and interesting post. I am getting to know Miranda and will follow what she'll be upto.
    Your gifts to Rosella are wonderful.

  2. Ich lach' mich gerade scheckig... von den Fröschen mit Hut gab's einen sitzenden und einen laufenden - 1 x darfst Du raten, wer den anderen hat!!! Was für ein toller Post, Du hast so viele wunderbare Miniaturen gemacht (Rosella wird ihre Geschenke lieben) und zusammen getragen und so klasse präsentiert... bitte bald mehr von Miranda und Café Igitt... ;O)

    Liebe Grüße

  3. Wonderful!!!
    Miranda's Magical Seedlings is a fabulous idea and I love the witchy things you have been making :0) The pumpkins are amazing!!!
    I am a serious Harry Potter fan so I am going to love following what you make :0)
    I also love the gifts you made for Rosella,
    Vicky xxxx

  4. que preciosos trabajos, me encanta ese caldero y el dragoncito!!

  5. WoW, so much witchy details:smiling pumkins, pots etc!! You've made a lot of miniatures, such beautiful miniatures!
    Spring? YES!!!!!!!
    Hugs, Ilona

  6. Beautiful work. I like the pumpkins.
    Bye Faby

  7. Thank you very much for your gifts. They are very perfect and your work is very very good! especially I like grapes,
    cookbook and.... photo of George!!!

  8. Your gift to Rosella is wonderful. Wow your witchy things are amazing. I love the pumpkins and the little dragon. Your stories are great fun looking forward to seeing more.
    Hugs Maria

  9. Ich liebe diese Hexensachen.
    Der Drache ist ja super niedlich.
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Über die vielen neuen Sachen wird sich Miranda sicherlich sehr freuen. Die Weiden sind der Hammer, die sind so cool mit dem Gesicht.
    Und Rosellas Geschenk hast du super gemacht. Das gefällt nicht nur Rosella.
    Heute waren ja schon richtige + Grade. Na klar hoffen wir alle auf den Frühling nach der großen Kälte.
    Liebe Grüße deine Craftland

  11. You are really into your witchy world at the moment! The baby GoldenDesertDragaon is just too cute! Your flowers are lovely as always and very spring like. I love your gifts to Rosella, sadly she is still waiting for the postman as some gifts have not yet arrived, including mine.
