Hello again!
Unexpected gifts are often the best: I was the lucky winner of
Rosanna´s Giveaway!
Something for an artist and now owned by a job-less, single-mom
Ballerina who´s living in my other house:
An easel with provence paintings, canvas, sketch books, a mug
with pencils and a box with oil-painting tubes.
Isn´t it incredible how neatly the box with the tubes fits into
my drawer!??
If you want to know how these are made, Rosanna just made a
tutorial on her blog!
I´m sorry, it´s so cloudy here all day so that I couldn´t get
better pictures and they don´t do Rosanna´s minis justice!
How boring was this room before your minis arrived, Rosanna!
Thank you so much!!!
Lately I´m working more than usual, so my hobby-time is quite limited, but
I´ve also started to work on my first giveaway. That will be my next post and I really
hope to be ready with my giveaways soon :-)
Have a good time!
Sandra xxx