Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

Sorry, Gill....!

... Actually I am supposed to get Gill´s package ready, but instead of that I made this little kitchen 
shelf from cardboard last night. I hope I can make some more furniture for the kitchen that way!

Freitag, 22. Juli 2011


This week began with a BIG surprise for me. Look, what I
found in our mailbox on monday! This wonderful quilt was made by
Gillian ( and came here as an absolutely
surprise! Can you imagine how thrilled I was!??
Gill made the design by herself on the computer as she could not find
suitable fabrics. Isn´t it beautifuuuuuuul??
Thank you so much, Gillian!
This week I did not have a lot of time for my minis as my work and
my "Fullsize-Minis" kept me quite busy.
But this is my first attempt in working with dollhouse water and
flower-making without a kit. It´s okay, but the lower leaves of the
nymphea got soaked by the "water" and the long stalks got pressed against the
basin when I filled in the water. So: Back to working with kits!!!
Here in Germany we have really rainy weather for the last weeks, so I hope that you
can enjoy your summer!

Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011


Many thanks for following and leaving your warm comments!
Herzlich willkommen in meinem Blog! Vielen Dank für´s Lesen und die lieben Kommentare!
You´ve got so beautiful and interesting blogs so I thought I should mention them here too:
Bis jetzt habe ich es noch verpasst, Eure Blogs zu nennen, möchte das jetzt aber nachholen, weil es bei
Euch soo viel zu entdecken gibt!

Sonia (  Hurry! Her giveaway is ending today!!!
Marlies ( Always amazed what she´s doing with papers!
Carol ( Her blog is very "Yummy" these days!
Anarniel ( So sad I didn´t win your giveaway!
Rena ( Great inspiration and always there to answer my beginner´s questions so politely! DANKE!!!
Jackie ( Look over there: not only 100-ways-to-style-canisters but also so much more!
Gillian ( I just looooove your quilts!!!
Margriet ( As you can see a little further down here, I took a lot of inspiration of your mummy! Thanks for sharing!!!
Carmen ( who is also quite new in Blogland (like myself!)
Norma ( who is one of the warmest and niciest persons around here in Blogland!

Eva and Eve, I couldn´t find your blogs, but if there´s one, just let me know and I´ll mention them in my next post! :))

Kids and work kept me quite busy but nevertheless I could finish a few things.
 I had some fun making clay oranges and lemons. Only: the lemons are too big or the oranges too small...that´s why you don´t see them together on one picture! :)))

Ich hatte nicht viel Zeit für meine Minis, aber ein paar Sachen habe ich dann doch noch fertig
gebracht. Meine Fimo-Orangen sind jedoch zu klein oder die Zitronen zu groß, deswegen seht Ihr sie auf zwei verschiedenen Fotos, höhö!
And I could finally make these chairs from a kit for Pippi. The other ones were only borrowed from my café.
Und ich konnte endlich diese Stühle für Pippi machen, die anderen waren nur eine "Leihgabe" aus meinem Café.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand now: The Very Shabby Eddy
Margriet made such a cool mummy and kindly shared the link in her blog (margriets-miniatures).
I just had to try it and here is my zombie Eddy. He was living all his life in the cottage where now Pippi´s living in. He didn´t realize, that he has already passed away and so he´s still walking around the cottage every now and then. That´s the reason why Pippi got the cottage so cheap! While other people run away screaming Pippi is actually quite found of him (he´s really nice manners!) and loves having a little chat with Eddy.
Tatatataaaaaaaaa! "The Very Shabby Eddy". 
Margriet hat eine wunderbar-hässliche Mumie gemacht (kann man bestaunen auf: und gleich noch den Link für das Tutorial geteilt. Den Spass habe ich mir gestern Abend gegönnt und das Ergebnis seht Ihr hier. Mein Zombie heißt Eddy, wohnte sein ganzes Leben in 
diesem Cottage und hat nicht mitbekommen, dass er eigentlich schon gestorben ist. Deswegen schleicht er immer mal wieder durch´s Haus, was den Kaufpreis dann doch etwas (bzw. sehr) gedrückt hat.
Pippi mag ihn eigentlich sehr, sie mag seine wunderbaren "Gentleman"-Manieren und genießt die kleinen Schwätzchen mit ihm!
(Thommy´s Mutter hat allerdings Angst vor ihm und kommt deswegen nicht so oft vorbei.... Hurraaaaaaaaaaaah!!)